Boise Peregrine Eyasses On a Move

animals, bird observations, birds of prey, current events, environment, nature, raptor biology, science, Uncategorized, wildlife, wildlife photography

Boise’s own peregrine babies are venturing onto the ledge since last evening. The ledge appears considerably smaller than it actually is – there is ample space up there for several people, & therefore sufficient margin for klutzy error on the part of our little charges. They are as safe as can reasonably be expected. Currently, there is one eyass immediately outside the box. As there’s a notable size difference between this one, & the other two, it’s likely that this is a tiercel. He’s a bit further along in his transitioning from down to proper feather, as well. Perhaps he will be the first to take a tumble in a matter of days. Rest assured that we are on top of this, & that I am a few short minutes away should something happen. Well, now all three are out & about.

The parents have lately taken to sticking with the site, as opposed to their more diversified resting spots. For the past few days we have seen them positioned on the box side of One Capital. Presumably, this is in anticipation of the eyasses ledge wanderings. I continue to be favourably impressed by these new parents. It eases my mind quite a lot to see them so diligent, & perspicacious.

Two kiddies in view now….