Best version of our evolutionary timeline – sent by a stellar friend

Atheism, bird observations, birds of prey, environment, evolution, Humour, nature, religion, Uncategorized

Wish I definitely knew the source for this – apologising in advance.


Italian eyasses – even better than Italian ices!

bird observations, birds of prey, current events, environment, Film, Humour, nature, raptor biology, science, Uncategorized

While you’re wasting time online when you should be doing laundry, you might as well watch this oddity.

Film, Humour, Music, Uncategorized

Come from one of the best ‘blogs out there. A total treasure trove, guaranteed to suck you into wasting even more hours at your computer.

Corvid hilarity

bird observations, environment, Humour, nature, Uncategorized

Kindly provided by our own delightful WordPress neighbour Green Knight. The Australian Raven sounds like a bunch of senile drunken biddies telling dirty jokes.  Knock yourself out. Or, don’t. What could I do about it – take away your candy?

Derby Cathedral Peregrine Falcon lays egg – instant church bells

birds of prey, environment, Humour, nature, science, Uncategorized