Trial & Error


Get ready for the ramblings, & rumblings, of this “citizen scientist” as I experience the usually wonderful world of Idaho natural history. Of course, I’ll also be detailing my newish life with raptors, specifically Boise’s urban peregrines which have been my pet project through IDFG since Summer of 2010. Because of my status as an ID Master Naturalist, I have to maintain a fairly neutral tone regarding certain issues, such as wolf  ‘management’ via shooting from helicopters when the wolf hunt/trapping results are deemed too low by certain policy makers. You’ll get relevant, actionable facts when it’s important, & then you’re encouraged to spread the word – accurately. I’ll include links to whatever matter is at hand.

One motivation for blogging, which I hate, frankly, is to point out that IDFG is not a trigger-happy hick agency. Far from it. It’s brimming with fantastic, caring biologists who do more good than you can imagine. I’ll be relating past field work anecdotes to illustrate this, like a close call with a hungry bear.

I welcome commentary, within reason, & also ideas for future postings, i.e. the current trapping controversy, what’s to become of our downtown peregrine falcons, whatever strikes your fancy. I’m particularly keen on hearing from others who work with urban raptors.

In the meantime, have a great T’giving.